Sound Acupuncture (by Fabien Maman) uses 12 precisely calibrated tuning forks instead of needles. It is a non-invasive save and self-regulating Tama-Do technique of clinical applications of music and musical notes used for:
- Musical Spine, which applies sound frequencies directly to acupuncture points along the spine for very deep relaxation and energy grounding
- Shu Points on the body for nourishing organs, relieving tension and enliven energy channels
- “Chasing” trapped energy along acupuncture meridians to reverse chronic blockages and stiffness
- 8 Qi-Mo, a powerful double-fork application method on subtle body command points, for pain relief of acute ailments
Remember that most parts of our consciousness is stored within the energy centers and the bio-field. Using external tools like the frequency and vibration of music, sound, color or touch can be very empowering for they are continuously interlinked with corresponding levels of consciousness, thoughts, feelings and wellbeing.