Quantum Healing Hypnosis (QHHT)

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Quantum Healing Hypnosis (QHHT)

Level 1 – Inspired by Dolores Canon

Nothing is beyond the realm of possibility. There are no limitations, except the limits of your own imagination” (Dolores Cannon)

Quantum Healing Hypnosis (inspired by Dolores Cannon) works with your Higher Consciousness – a state that we normally experience twice a day: in the moment just before awakening into normal day consciousness and just before falling asleep in unconsciousness. It is aimed at receiving knowledge, understanding and healing. It can provide you with tools to better cope with stress, overcome unwanted reactions, emotions, fears and thoughts, improve health or increase confidence. The ultimate aim is to hold a space in your consciousness in which you align with your inner calling and allow your visions and deeply seated soul gifts to materialise. This guided process uses visualisation techniques, as all information stored in our cellular memory is encoded and retrievable in the form of images.

The gentle introduction and holding of this delicate state of consciousness creates a protected space of trust. Thus, the brain wave patterns can change and allow you to leave normal reality for a time. Within this state of consciousness there is no past or future, only the present moment where everything happens unfiltered and immediate like a Dolby-Surround film display experience. It enables you to perceive life from a wide variety of perspectives. If you are willing to openly get in touch with your own experience, you can become aware of new and different perspectives and possibilities, e.g. through memories or experiencing a non-physical dimension. You will only be given access to the information that is appropriate for your current circumstances and serves your highest good. In fact, this state allows you to give yourself the answers to your own questions from a perspective of crystal clarity and calmness. Bypassing the critical factor of our analytical mind for a while can be a liberating experience in itself.

Benefits include: Resolving the past and moving forward in life; forgiving yourself and others; creating stronger and healthier family and personal relationships; releasing emotional and physical pain; raising awareness and expanding consciousness.



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A session of 2 hours costs 280€.