My Soul Path

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My Soul Path

Challenge First: How I Survived Death

Larissa was born in a city known for peace and happiness in northern Germany, although her start in life was far from promising. Doctors deemed it a medical miracle when she survived her extreme premature birth as the only baby within a whole year, defying all clinical predictions. Grateful for emergency and intensive care, Larissa became a true advocate that the impossible can become possible, through divine grace, especially in the healing arts she seemed destined for. Her body wasn’t ready to live, but her soul was. Equipped with extraordinary life and willpower, she understands that the body is subordinate to the immortal soul. The death of her beloved grandfather and his spiritual guidance deepened this innate knowledge into a firm foundation for her later work.

Growing Up in a Bubble: Nature, Music, and Waldorf

Larissa enjoys savouring life in all its facets and synchronicities—from depths and mysteries to honours and joys. She learns to handle hard challenges as growth potential. Her passion for all things natural and life-affirming was best in the morning gallop on horseback before school. Horse power and deep trust became lessons for life.

Growing her own vegetables or sleeping under the stars nourishes her soul to this day. Traveling to natural power places and immersing in the rhythms of natural cycles enriches her just as much as tuning into the song or silence of like-minded people. Her love for music was cradled into her life, cultivated both at Waldorf School and during the Easter Festival in Salzburg, not yet knowing that her admired Berlin Philharmonic would become her future employer. But how was that supposed to happen without becoming a musician?


My Metropolitan Lifestyle: The Freedom of Uncertainty

After sheltered years in the Rudolf Steiner School and carefree living in the countryside, Larissa fully immersed herself into the vibrant metropolitan lifestyle: briefly in San Francisco, New York, and Aix-en-Provence, then for her entire studies in London and Paris (at the Sorbonne). The international world with its global issues became increasingly familiar to her, as did the freedom of choices.

Yet, inside, she often felt lost and confused by her academic path of three different studies that didn’t quite fit together. Starting to realise the price of free will power, which has to be earned. Always following her heart without fully grasping the path, her journey culminated in cultural Berlin with a special highlight.

Providence & Homecoming: Realising My Life’s Purpose

The flagpole of German reunification in front of the Reichstag, engraved with her birthday, brought Larissa back to the significance of her homeland after eight years abroad. Suddenly, she understood the serendipitous event and her clear life purpose: to unite! Once again, she followed the signs and knew upon entering the Berlin Philharmonic: here or nowhere!

With crystal-clear clarity, she found her professional fulfillment at the Berliner Philharmonic, in her dream job, like tailor-made for her. Looking back at her CV, all apparent contradictions now united in a perfect red thread. Growing up in an entrepreneurial family, she brought perseverance for innovation, proactive solution-finding, dilligence, and a willingness to implement new ideas. And what better way to unite than through the universal language of music? Music brings everything together – united in the present, transcending time and space.

High-End, Challenge & Innovation: With the Berlin Philharmonic, I Began to Unite Worlds

Music education through orchestras was innovative and groundbreaking at the time. By building the Education Department inspired by Sir Simon Rattle, Larissa learned to navigate all initial resistance to change and fears (of image loss, negative publicity, or lack of experience. The international success of the documentary “Rhythm is it!” anticipated the future spread of education programs within the German orchestral landscape.

Larissa’s contribution to this development was significant: for ten years, she lead the orchestra’s creative music projects, uniting Philharmoniker with educational institutions, prisons, and hospitals. She collaborated with other world-class orchestras, concert halls, like Carnegie Hall, Concertgebouw Amsterdam, Salle Pleyel, and Salzburg Easter festival and Festival d’Aix-en-Provence. Additionally, she advocated for the social benefits of music at universities, cultural institutions and the world music conference across Europe. Over the years, she witnessed how deeply music could transform participants and touch listeners. The questions of the secret power of music accompanies her to this day.

Poor but Happy: Discovering that Everything I Ever Searched for Lies Within Me

In search of answers, Larissa traveled to the remotest and poorest regions of the world. She explored how sounds and frequencies have been used for evolution and healing since ancient times and discovered the transformative power of mantras, sounds, sacred words, and names.

Without prior knowledge or intention, she experienced a deeply transformative initiation by an Indian Paramahamsa as sacred divine grace. In the following years, she also learned from Swamis, Mongolian shamans, Balinese healers, Tajik Pamiri, and spiritual teachers. As her ego was polished, she realised that the deepest wisdom came without certificates and that inner wealth meant true happiness. How much she had become dependent on external recognition and the pursuit of success, neglecting her private life and heart… Her dream had had been realised, and now she sought a new one, along with answers to her questions: How can I live up to my potential? How do I become independent and self-empowered?  

Trapped in My Self-Built Golden Cage: Where Do I Go After the Summit?

Inward: follow the fears. Not knowing how to proceed was the honest answer to the question of the next career leap. Admitting that took courage. Larissa once again trusted the call of her soul and overcame her insecurity, existential fears, and the criticism of detractors through intensive inner work. She took the leap into the unknown and found herself in Indonesia. There, she lived for a year and a half, surrounded by grounded, happy people with bright eyes and open hearts. From the super-rich expats, hippies, and self-proclaimed gurus, she learned an especially important lesson: the shadow sides of the spiritual ego are the greatest challenge. In a secluded Swiss mountain hut in the snow, far from mobile phones, the internet, books, and teachings, she experienced during a month of silence what remains when you let go of all external distractions: true strength and a deep connection to the cosmos.

My Playful Shift: First Muse, Then Mastery

What could be better than a prestigious job with the Berlin Philharmonic? For Larissa, it was living a self-determined life, allowing her to explore her spiritual potential more freely and deeply, in harmony with her own time and biorhythm. Yet, innovation remained a priority for her. During her time-out, music returned to her life in the form of sound healing.

She seized this fascinating opportunity and creatively embarked on the new path—carried by the self-understanding of an entire sound healer collective, powerful resonances, and touching feedback. She received top-notch training in Switzerland and achieved long-term success and excellence. This unexpected turn in her career brought challenges as well: She had to deal with being labeled dropout, lack of recognition, and skeptics, while overcoming the difficulties of establishing a new discipline like sound healing. Nevertheless, she stayed true to her mission, with the determination of a survivor.

Soul First: Love inspires best and world-wide

As Larissa shifted her focus from music to sound, from external recognition to inner depth, from mask to essence, she also gained maturity to process the issues of her birth trauma. She garnered the wonders of survival and the wisdom of early near-death experiences; While knowing the pain, dissonances, and extremes of the soul-self emergence, the courage it takes and the love it needs; Love as the force that creates life.

Her deep self-experiences make her coaching and sound healing so authentic. As life cycles develop within spiral movements of repetitions, de- or increases, she encourages reflecting and deepening earlier phases later on. In her life cycle, the community now takes center stage. She is determined to inspire people worldwide to unfold their potential, live from the heart, and courageously follow their soul’s path.She skillfully leverages the resulting snowball effect: those who experience spiritual awakening are eager to inspire others to undergo similar transformations.

Spirit First: The Future of Our World Emerges from Your Free Will!

Larissa has enjoyed and used many freedoms in her life. The greatest responsibility for her is the spiritual and creative free will, that shapes our world. But which spirit do our thoughts, feelings, and actions nurture? Much freedom lies in being well-informed and knowing what to choose. Yet true freedom means choosing the light and good and finding a positive approach to negative forces. Only the light of love can overcome darkness (darkness cannot defeat darkness). Division or conflict only reinforces what should actually be redeemed. The energy of the future is unity; becoming worthy of the earth and free people is the goal. This spiritual ability to choose out of free will is the maturity of our humanity. This is not a game, but the birth of a better future—knowing that every miracle of birth has already succeeded.

It is my vision to consciously tune into a higher, divine order through music, raise our vibrational frequency, and become powerful channels for harmony and love in the world.


With Your Soul, Purpose & Creations

A space for your self-empowered transformation

Tune in & LIvT Up! for a better world